Thursday, 17 April 2014

B.Ed Examiniation 2014 Paper-I

B.Ed. (Annual) Examination


Time: Three Hours                                                                                Maximum Marks: 80
The candidates shall limit their answers precisely within the answer-book (40 pages) issued to them and no supplementary/continuation sheet will be issued.
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory. Select one question form each    section. All Questions carry equal marks.

Compulsory Question
http://www.ineerajthakur.com1.    Write notes on the following in about 100-130 words each :
a)    Contribution of Indian thought to Educational practices.
b)    Methods of teaching given by Gijju Bhai.
c)    Role of teacher in promotion of Emotional Integration.
d)    Concept of Distance Education.


2.    Discuss the significance of studying philosophy in educational practices and problems.


What is naturalism? Discuss the views of Rabindra Nath Tagore on curriculum, Methods of Teaching and Role of Teacher.

3.    Discuss the views of Swami Vivekananda on meaning and aims of education.


Discuss various articles related to education and educational provisions in the constitution of India.

4.    What do you mean by Human Resource Development? Discuss the role of education as an instrument of human resource development.


Define National Integration. Describe the different ways and means to promote national integration among students.
5.    What is Eradication of Illiteracy? Discuss the objectives of NAEP.


Explain various means and measures taken for equality of educational opportunities among socially disadvantaged groups.

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