Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Question-Papers XI

PAPER -2013
Time allowed: 3 Hours                                                                         Maximum Marks: 60
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Marks allotted to each question are indicated against it.

Special Instructions:
1.     While answering your Questions, you must indicate on you Answer-book the same Question No. as appears in your Question Papers.
2.     Do not leave blank page/pages in your Answer-book.
3.     All the questions are compulsory.
1. State whether the following statements are true or false:
      i.        Floppy disk is the Primary storage device.
     ii.        It is not necessary to delete all files of a directory to delete that directory.
    iii.        Menu bar contains a set of tools to provide controls in the form.
    iv.        Debug window is same as code window.
     v.        String is a data type that can be used to declare a text of maximum 10 million characters.
    vi.        VB requires parenthesis around a relational test.
   vii.        The load command places the form in memory and displays on screen.
  viii.        A Primary key is a candidate key.
    ix.        SQL is a procedural language.
     x.        SQL statements must be written in one line.
a)     Distinguish between Volatile and Non-volatile memory.
b)    Distinguish between Interpreter and Compiler.
a)     What do you mean by Operating System? What are its various type?
b)    Define Window. Give some of its features.
a)     What do you mean by High level language? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
b)    Define a variable, a literal and a constant. What is the need for variable in VB ?
a)     What is Industry? Discuss various types of Industries.
b)    What is Programming? Name the steps that are required for developing Program.
a)     Discuss different tools available in Visual Basic.
b)    Explain the various decision making statement in VB.
c)     What are the different options Menu Editors? Explain.
a)     Explain the Pop-up and Short-cut menu.
b)    How we can create Window application in VB?
a)     What is SQL? What are the different categories of commands available in SQL?
b)    Define DDL commands. What are the functions of DDL commands?
a)     Define the basic data types in SQL.
b)    Explain the following SQL functions (Any four) :
                      i.        UPPER()
                     ii.        TRIM()
                    iii.        TRUN()
                    iv.        SUM()
                     v.        MIN()
                    vi.        MOD()

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