Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Question-Papers X

PAPER -2013
Time allowed: 3 Hours                                                                         Maximum Marks: 60
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Marks allotted to each question are indicated against it.

Note : All questions are compulsory.

1. State whether the following statements are true or false:
      i.        FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol..
     ii.        We can chat on Internet.
    iii.        Spell check can be applied in MS-Access.
    iv.        <title> is a container element.
     v.        A validation rule defines structure of a table.
    vi.        Tag <BR> is used to start new lines.
   vii.        Forms are mainly used in filling up the data.
  viii.        Client computer is the base computer from where you can access the Internet.
    ix.        HTML allows both static and dynamic text to be displayed.
     x.        There can be multiple primary keys in a table.
a)     Write the difference between Uploading and Downloading.
b)    What is Telnet? What are its uses ?
a)     What is video conferencing? Explain.
b)    What do you mean by chatting ?
a)     What is the function of Table Wizards?
b)    What are Newsgroups?
a)     Briefly explain the following :
                      i.        Reports
                     ii.        Queries.
b)    What do you mean by Data Validations ?
a)     What are the uses of HTML ? How are HTML tags written ?
b)    What do you mean by Empty Elements ?
a)     Write HTML code to display the following in exactly the same way as written here :
                      i.        Tomatoes
                     ii.        Pineapples
                    iii.        Lady finger
                    iv.        Lemons.

b)    How will you make text coloured ?
5.  Write the purpose of following tags (Any four)
                      i.        <TILE>
                     ii.        <CODE>
                    iii.        <STRONG>
                    iv.        <BR>
                     v.        <HEAD>
                    vi.        <VLINK>

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